P. A. Rudders

P. A. Rudders
P. A. Rudders

Born in London, the United Kingdom, P.A. Rudders has in his time been a soldier, amateur boxer, studied psychology, briefly worked in accountancy, but longest and lastly, worked in the rail industry until his early retirement in 2017 He currently lives in the UK, dividing his time between London and Wales. A widower, on the high side of middle-age, he has one grown-up son, and two grand children.

When not writing he is a keen outdoor enthusiast, enjoying nothing more than walking, climbing, wild camping, and cycling in the British countryside, particularly around Wales and the Highlands of Scotland. Following the publication of  'Rat Tales: A Mischief of Little Horror,' the first book in 'The Creature Tales.' a three-book collection, he has also had 'guest' short stories published under his original pen name, Paul Ruddock, in the following anthologies ... 'You're Not Alone, 'Holes,' and 'The Welcome.'


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Feline Tales

Not all cats are cute and cuddly
Book #3 from the series: The Creature Tales

They walk among us, creeping about our homes at all hours, prowling the city while we sleep, these creatures of the night ...

From their days of Godhood in ancient Egypt to the domestic gardens of today, cats still remain among the most feared and deadly of all nature’s predators ... What our little kitties now lack in strength and size, they...

Flashbulb Moments: The little BIG book of Flash Fiction

No doubt you may have heard of ‘Penny Shares’ and ‘One-cent stocks,’ where tiny investments sometimes bring huge rewards? Well, that’s just what I hope readers will find in Flashbulb Moments - Ninety-nine short stories that equate to just one penny/cent per story, and just like their Penny Share / Stock-market counterparts, I hope readers will...

Canine Tales

A Growling Pack of Hungry Horrors
Book #2 from the series: The Creature Tales

Book Two in the Creature Tales series.

Not the sort of canines you can take to the park for a game of ‘Fetch ...’
Had your Rabies’ shots yet? the dogs have been let loose ...

Another twenty-four tales, this time ‘canine-themed.’ Drawing inspiration from folklore, mythology, and more traditional horror, the reader will find tales of throat-ripping...
